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Mastering Digital Transformation

Embrace the digital era and lead your organization to unlock boundless opportunities.

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Programme impact

Embrace the power of change

Stay ahead in the swiftly changing global business landscape and help your business evolve with our Mastering Digital Transformation programme.

Right for you

This programme is for senior leaders with at least 10 years of management experience, who are responsible for the strategic direction of their organisation, leading its digital transformation, or preparing it for the future.


management experience

on average



on average per cohort

Attendees include:

  • Senior executives and leaders.

  • Managing directors, regional directors and country managers.

  • Heads of business units and functions.

  • C-suite executives.

  • Senior civil servants and leaders of not-for-profit organisations.

Who attends

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Programme content

Empower your organisation, regardless of size, to harness the force of digital disruption.

Master the art of organisational transformation to capitalize on digital opportunities. Arm yourself with proven tools and techniques to triumph over disruptors.

Certificate in Management

This programme can also be taken as part of the Certificate in Management. Enhance your leadership approach, hone your business skills and curate your own curriculum with a blend of online and in-person learning.

Our faculty

Learn from a distinguished panel of disruption experts.

Grounded in active research, their insights are evidence-based and fortified by numerous examples. Having engaged with and conducted impactful research on disruption, our faculty combines academic excellence with practical industry experience to provide you with unmatched insights.

How to apply

Submit your application through our online application form.

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