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A review and roadmap of entrepreneurial equity financing research: venture capital, corporate venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding, and accelerators


Journal of Management


Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Authors / Editors

Drover W;Busenitz L;Matusik S;Townsend D;Anglin A;Dushnitsky G


Publication Year



Equity financing in entrepreneurship primarily includes venture capital, corporate venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding, and accelerators. We take stock of venture financing research to date with two main objectives: (a) to integrate, organize, and assess the large and disparate literature on venture financing; and (b) to identify key considerations relevant for the domain of venture financing moving forward. The net effect is that organizing and assessing existing research in venture financing will assist in launching meaningful, theory-driven research as existing funding models evolve and emerging funding models forge new frontiers.


Venture capital; Corporate venture capital; Angel investment; Crowdfunding; Accelerators; Equity financing; Entrepreneurship

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