Our brand new magazine is out now
Don’t miss the newest edition of Think at London Business School, packed with business advice, research insights, alumni stories, and more

In 30 seconds:
- How to thrive in an uncertain future
Sometimes it’s hard to escape the sense that we are living in a constant state of flux – three LBS experts share their tips on how to cope - 5 ways to grow your personal brand
Can we really use brand-marketing principles to build our careers? Helen Edwards says, yes we can - We need to talk about ChatGPT
Is OpenAI’s new chatbot going to make us all redundant then enslave us? Or is it just a human productivity tool? Join our discussion and venture some bold predictions - How to be an equity-focused leader
Managing your team’s individual identities is a modern leader’s must for driving strategy and growth, says Randall S Peterson
Change, and how we deal with it, is a constant challenge. Keeping afloat today as individuals and businesses, both mentally and physically, is so demanding.
In this edition of Think at London Business School, we look at how to thrive in a difficult environment. Sometimes it’s hard to escape the sense that we are living in a state of constant flux – our primary feature provides the platform for three LBS experts to share their tips on how you can cope with global disruption.
We also look at how AI is changing our world and what it means for business, individuals and society. Recent headlines about the release of OpenAI’s chatbot border on hysteria. Is it going to make us all redundant, then enslave us? Or is it just a human productivity tool? Our LBS faculty weigh in with their views and venture some bold predictions.
Gender parity is a clear aspiration for many, and this new issue provides a spotlight on its progression. How can organisations rise to the challenge and keep diversity at the forefront? Is there anything that we can do today for a more just and inclusive tomorrow? We provide the roadmap in this issue.
Plus, we’re proud to champion a diverse group of rising stars from London Business School. In this issue, you’ll meet alumni, as well as current participants and students, and hear their inspiring stories. They make us all proud to be part of this strong and vibrant community.
As ever, we hope you enjoy the issue and invite you to share your thoughts and views with us.

Read the digital version here and look out for print editions on campus.