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Xansa (A)


Accounting, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Authors / Editors

Lingblad M; Birkinshaw J

Publication Year



This case describes the current strategic challenges facing Xansa, a medium sized IT Services Company headquartered in the UK. Under its former name, FI Group, the company had grown successfully during the 1990s as a major supplier of IT outsourcing services. Faced with a changing marketplace, FI Group had undertaken a series of bold acquisitions in the late 1990s. Now, in mid-2000, the company faced the challenge of integrating these acquired companies in an uncertain marketplace, while also considering its future growth options outside the UK. A further challenge was how to do all of this without damaging the distinctive culture and organisation that had made the company so successful over the last decade.

Topic List

Strategy, Mergers & Acquistition, Strategic Change


Computer/IT Services

Publication Event Date


LBS Case Number



London - UK

Publication Organisation Size


Project Funder


Available on ECCH


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