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The British Columbia medical and hospital atlas : a companion to the British Columbia Rx atlas, 2nd edition


Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Publication Year



This British Columbia Medical and Hospital Atlas was produced as a companion to the 2nd edition of The British Columbia Rx Atlas. It provides medical and hospital services information comparable to that found for pharmaceuticals in The British Columbia Rx Atlas. Our goal for the companion atlas was not to conduct a comprehensive analysis of all causes and consequences of all types of care that might be received from physicians and within hospitals. Rather, we sought to provide comparable information about the relative magnitudes of regional variations in the three largest components of heath care: prescription drugs, medical care, and hospital-based services. Ultimately, The British Columbia Medical and Hospital Atlas places the findings of The British Columbia Rx Atlas in context and allows interested readers an opportunity to explore potential area-level interactions between spending on and use of pharmaceuticals and spending on and use of medical and hospital services.


Medical care; British Columbia; Maps; Hospitals

Available on ECCH


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