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Super Luxurious Auto (A)


Economics, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Authors / Editors

Alvarez; Marshall; Jacobides M

Publication Year



Super Luxurious Auto (SLA) is a fictionalised case study based on a real engagement undertaken by Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) involving a complete financial and operational restructuring. The case is about a company unable to meet its debt obligations as a consequence of deteriorating financial performance following a global merger.The case sets up a class-room role-play discussion. In class, each student will take the role of one of the key stakeholders – senior lender, junior lender, private equity owner, distressed debt hedge fund, A&M or management. The case material includes general background material on the company and, separately, specific notes outlining the particular issues and concerns faced by each stakeholder. When preparing the case, students are required to consider the perspective of the particular stakeholder assigned to them in groups and determine the negotiation strategy. In class, the company’s recent situation will be surveyed; this will then be followed by a negotiation between the stakeholders as to what to do.Students are encouraged to read all the material, including all the role briefings, but are required to pay particular attention to the general briefing notes and the specific notes for the role assigned to them.

Topic List

Corporate restructuring, Corporate turnarounds



LBS Case Number



Europe; International

Available on ECCH


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