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Red Bull Spreads its Wiiings


Finance, Marketing

Authors / Editors

Tavassoli N


Publication Year



Thirty-five years after its founding, the Red Bull energy drinks business continued to show strong growth globally. Over the years, the company had expanded its product line with different variants, such as sugar-free and flavoured Editions. More recently, the company had launched a sub-branded The Organics by Red Bull range that sat outside the energy-drinks category, and the AlphaTauri functional-fashion brand. The company had renamed one of its two F1 teams Scuderia AlphaTauri to provide a unique promotional platform for the fledgling fashion brand; one that was overtly endorsed by Red Bull. The case provides a basis for discussing the (dis)synergies between Red Bull and these extensions from a brand, consumer, and marketing perspective.

Topic List



Energy drinks

LBS Case Number



Global; International

Publication Research Centre

Institute of Finance and Accounting

Available on ECCH


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