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Narrating gender: A discourse analytic view on studying gender

Publication Year



Current theories of gender often assume that gender is something that is ‘done’ in everyday interactions. If this is so, then gender must also be enacted through the everyday narration of stories. This article considers how gender as a performative practice can be studied through narration. It takes a discourse analytic perspective on this issue to highlight differences and tensions in studying gender through narration. The article sets out by briefly outlining approaches to understanding gender as something that is done or performed. Discourse analysis is introduced as a way of studying these narratives, certain tensions in the approach are highlighted and finally some conclusions are drawn. The article argues that discourse analysis is a useful methodology for studying how gender is enacted through narratives.


discourse analysis; qualitative methods; narrative methods; performative gender theories

Publication Research Centre

Centre for Women in Business

Series Number



Lehman Brothers Centre for Women in Business

Available on ECCH


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