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Moral dilemmas and market research: remedial measures to mitigate the deception of respondents in market research


Marketing, Marketing

Publication Year



Unethical practices have been blamed for reduced consumer willingness to participate in commercial marketing research. While some of these practices are clearly avoidable, other practices are arguably unavoidable, particularly some deceptive practices. This paper illustrates an approach to the dilemma posed by ethically suspect but seemingly unavoidable research practices. Drawing on psychology, it develops and tests remedial measures that might mitigate the use of deception in market research, including forewarning, debriefing, and providing compensation. Study findings suggest that remedial measures may lower respondent concern about the practice and increase the likelihood of research participation, particularly the use of forewarning. Implications for practitioners and academic researchers are discussed.

Publication Notes

Revised edition (original August 2001)

Publication Research Centre

Centre for Marketing, Centre for Marketing

Series Number



Centre for Marketing Working Paper

Available on ECCH


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