Haier’s (2019) ecosystem revolution: From Rendanheyi 2.0 to Rendanheyi 3.0
Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Authors / Editors
Jacobides M; Duke L
Publication Year
2019 was an important year for Haier. Its new version of its radically decentralised structure, dubbed Rendanheyi 2.0, based on many independent ‘Ecosystem Micro-enterprise Communities’ (EMCs) had been devised to help it respond to the shifting ways of adding value in the digital, internet-based economy. In 2019 BrandZ declared that Haier was the first and only Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem brand.1 By the close of the year, a handful of EMCs had established themselves based on user demands, including the Internet of Clothing, the Internet of Food, U-vaccine, the Internet of Blood, Smart Home Whole-set Experience EMC, Gas Stove & Water Heater EMC, COSMOPlat RV EMC, Agriculture EMC and XCook. More dynamic EMCs would be created as opportunities were identified. Ecosystem competition was growing from other companies in China, keen to leverage their user bases. And, while the ME and EMC structures were successfully implemented in China, it was harder to do this in Haier’s international operations.
Topic List
Corporate strategy, Ecosystems, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Organisational development, Technological innovation
Consumer goods; Manufacturing; Technology
LBS Case Number
China; International
Publication Notes
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