Commitment to overinvest and price informativeness
Publishing details
Authors / Editors
Dow J; Goldstein I; Guembel A
Publication Year
A fundamental role of financial markets is to gather information on firms' investment opportunities, and so help guide investment decisions in the real sector. In this paper we study the incentives for informaton production when prices perform this allocational role. We argue that firms' overinvestment is sometimes necessary to induce speculators in financial markets to produce information. If firms always cancel planned investments following poor stock market response, the value of their shares will become insensitive to information on investment opportuntieis, so that speculators will be deterred from producing information. We discuss several commitment devices firms can use to facilitate information production. We show that the mechanism studied in the paper amplifies shocks to fundamentals across stages of the business cycle.
Publication Research Centre
Institute of Finance and Accounting
Series Number
FIN 448
IFA Working Paper
Available on ECCH